Friday, September 18, 2009

36 weeks

So saw the doctor today and it looks like baby is engaged...seems like he has dropped a little more from last week! Dr said that he is still head down but now he can't put his fingers between baby's head and my pelvic bone. Looks like baby is getting ready!!! I don't feel that I'm ready though...I still have to pack my bags, finish putting the baby clothes away and put the carseat in the car!!! Plus my mom and Jaime are still in DC and Jacqueline is going next weekend to DC. We will have to start a pool soon on when this baby will come. Who's in?

Here is how big baby is now:

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Labor horoscope...

Just wanted to share my "labor horoscope" with you guys...I did it just for fun, but we'll see if any of it is true!

"The day you deliver, outside will be rainy. Your baby will arrive in the middle of the night. After a labor lasting approximately 7 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 5 pounds, 10 ounces and will be 20-1/2 inches long. This child will have medium brown eyes and barely there auburn hair."

Well it has gotten the boy part right...and it could be rainy in October. I wouldn't mind a 7 hour labor and the weight...sounds better than 10lbs! Lol...enjoy!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


So judging by the title if you guessed that I am 35 weeks with 35 days are correct! If you had no idea what it meant that is ok too b/c it actually took me a while to figure it out (pregnancy brain =P) I had my 35 week appointment today and from now on I have one EVERY WEEK!!!! How crazy is that!? I remember when I was sad because I had to wait 4 weeks until my next appointment, but it really has gone super fast! Everything looked good today. Baby's heartbeat was loud and strong, I'm measuring right on track (even though I feel that I am HUGE) and the doctor even said the he felt the baby's head on it's way down by my pelvic bone...just not engaged yet, but on the right track! I also had my strep B test today and got the results from my last blood test. Looks like my iron is going up and steady so for now I don't have to keep taking the iron pills, just prenatals! Yay for me =)
Survey time!
How far along?35 weeks exactly!

Total weight gain/loss: 19lbs!!!!

Maternity clothes?

Stretch marks? Yes =(

Sleep: soo uncomfortable...not to mention having to go to the bathroom multiple times in the night!

Best moment this week: Feeling the baby as always and knowing he his headed in the right pun intended =)

Movement: Yes more active now!!!

Food cravings: still the same...fruit...chocolate...

Gender: Baby boy!

Labor Signs: been having Braxton-Hicks (fake contractions) but nothing more

Belly Button in or out? Kinda in the in, but just sticking out more, if that makes any sense

What I miss: wine and soft cheeses, being able to sleep comfortably and being able to climb stairs without feeling like I just did a marathon!

What I am looking forward to: Meeting him!!!

Weekly Wisdom: hmm...make sure you always know where a bathroom is wherever you are!

Milestones: 35/35 =)

35 week belly shot

Maternity pics by Meganelle Photography

Last month we got a very special treat. One of my best friends from elementary school was visiting and spending time with her family. It was awesome because I got to visit with my best friend, see her family and take advantage of her awesome photography skills!!! She was able to come over and take some maternity pics for us and we couldn't be more happier with the outcome! We first started out in the baby's nursery and then we went outside to get some shots with the scenery and sunset. We had an awesome time! click here to see the whole gallery! To see the rest of her work checkout her webpage Meganelle Photography. Here are just some of my favorites.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Our beloved dog Rocky Road

At the end of this month we had an unfortunate event happen to us. On the night of Aug.19th our doggy Rocky got out of our backyard while we were out running errands. David and I searched for him for 3 hours that night driving around the neighborhood. We didn't find him and so we decided to sleep and then we would try again in the morning. The next morning I was about to go out to search for him when I received a call from the Animal Shelter. At first I was very happy that they had called and was all ready to go get him....but then the lady told me that they did have him and he had passed away. She said that someone reported it that morning and he had gotten hit on Peabody and passed away. My heart dropped and I could not keep my emotions in. I called David and he came straight home to be with me. Luckily for us we have lots of our family around and everyone comforted us, my sister Jacqueline even came with us to bid him goodbye at the shelter. It was a very sad day. This blog post is really just for me so I can share how much we cared for him.

Here is a picture one of the first days we got him.

He was part of our family. He was really our first baby before we got pregnant and we will miss him ALOT! I know I do all the time. He was very loving and ALWAYS wanted to be around David and I, he liked people in general. We adopted him from the shelter where they had found him in a field in Fairfield and when we first got him he was very finicky. We think he had probably been abused. But after a while he really warmed up to us. We found out he liked to he LOVED to eat!!!! He would probably eat and never stop if we didn't portion control him! He wasn't the most obedient dog in the world, but he did listen to us (maybe just not to everyone Sometimes he would be a little slow...but that was just his personality. That is what made him different from other dogs.

At Bark for Life. Doing his part raising money for Relay for Life.
After walking the track with Daddy David.
Later at home resting...
Like every family we would probably all annoy each other. Rocky probably hated the fact that on weekends we would sleep in which meant he didn't get to eat until later than usual! He would definitely not stand for it on some days...well usually he only did this to David or I guess anyone else but never to me =)
Rocky on his birthday
Rocky waiting patiently for his birthday treat
At least before he went to doggie heaven we got to spend one last vacation with him. We went camping for a week up in the Redwoods and he got to be with us all the time. I'm sure he had a great time....most of the time =) He was definitely well fed.

Here he is hiking with Daddy
Rocky being "wind blown" and flappy-eared
Probably one of the times he wasn't too happy...he was forced in the water and had to
Posing on a redwood
Cute picture of Rocky on his bed
He was such a good dog and we know that he would have been great with our baby boy. While we were getting ready for baby boy he was being a good boy staying out of the nursery while we painted and got it ready. We actually tried to block him once by putting furniture and boxes in the way of the hallway so he wouldn't get in the nursery...but this dog was sure smart when it came to him getting his way. We had used the baby's changing table as one of the "blockers" and soon we hear this noise and we go out in the hallway and see Rocky crawling through the bottom shelf of the changing table. It had to be the funniest thing and I wish we had gotten a picture but we missed it! This was just a little tribute to our dog...we hope he is resting now and happy eating as much as he wants in doggie heaven. We love you Rocky Road!!! xoxoxoxox

Rocky and Laci checking each other out
Smile for the camera!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Shopping and San Francisco

Well we got back from camping in the beginning of August...right in time for our birthdays! And what did we do...we went shopping for the baby! lol...I guess that's what happens when you have kids =) But we were very excited to go shopping to get stuff for the baby and the baby's room. Of course my sister went with me for some expert advice. While looking at stuff we were even able to use baby Lace to "tryout" some of the baby things!
Laci trying out the crib set and mobileNicky even tried stuff out...but he wanted to keep it for himself! lol...
Here is Laci again in our carseat/stroller set

We had a really good time at our birthdays. My dad had to leave to Washington DC on my birthday so we dropped him off and went to Goore's and Ikea. Then David left and while he was gone I went to San Francisco to see King Tut at the DeYoung Museum with Jassy, Auntie Sunny and Sammy. It was pretty cool...
And here is my 30 week belly picture!

A little Camping then 3D time!

So we did go camping and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. We had a great time and I even went hiking and swimming. I was even comfortable going to was getting into and out of the bed/tent that was not fun! And having to go to the bathroom REALLY bad when I woke up!!! lol...Here are some pictures of us at camping:
We got back from camping on July 31st and we were able to rest for a little while. The next day (Aug.1st) we had our 3D/4D ultrasound scheduled! I was sooo anxious and excited I started to get butterflies in my stomach because we would be seeing our baby for the first time! We were able to bring up to 11 guests...but we had a little more b/c the kids wanted to see their cousin. Here are my favorite pictures from that really is amazing! I had seen 3D ultrasounds before, but it was like I was seeing it for the first time!!! Everyone loved it!

Of course to show he is a BOY!
Here he looks like he is saying "no pictures please..." lol...
look how peaceful
What a cutie!!!
Baby yawning...
Well I just wanted to share those with all of you. Hopefully soon he will be able to meet all of you in person!!! Sorry I'm sooo far behind in blogging! =)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Oh a camping we will go... I am again...should be sleeping, but instead I am on here blogging. We are getting ready to go camping. Starting tomorrow until next Thursday. I'm a little nervous when I shouldn't really be because I honestly LOVE camping! But I am 28 weeks pregnant now so this may change my outlook on somethings! Hopefully I can try and blog from my blackberry while we are camping, but if not I will definetly have pics up when I get back.

Just a little update on pregnancy...I went to my 28 week check up and baby was good. I have been recently getting these weird dull cramps that feel like period cramps so they gave me a support band for my tummy. Hopefully this will help me out. AND the itchiness of my belly is NOT GOING AWAY! we are gonna try the cortizone for the next couple of days, but I think I either have PUPPS or something else....I don't think its just the stretch marks anymore =( Ok well off to sleep and then finish packing in the morning! =)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

28 week mark!

We are now in our 28th week of pregnancy!!! Only 86 more days to go! Baby is moving more now...and sometimes it feels so weird I just have to laugh...David thinks I'm weird, but I love it when I feel him move! We got some sample paint so we can start painting the nursery (and when I say "we" I mean David of course). We just need to start moving the stuff out of there.

I'm sooo excited because my oldest and bestest friends just found out that she will be able to make it here in California to visit next month and while she is here she will be able to do my maternity pics!!! Check Megan's work out on her website Megan Elle Photography. She is awesome and if anyone wants to take advantage of her being here for family pictures or anything let me know!!! So we have to get crackin' on our nursery so it will be ready! Of course the theme is going to be airplanes and the colors are baby blue and tan, with a little green here and there. I'm so excited!!!

We also got to register for baby stuff at Babies R Us and Target this past week and that was fun too, but we realized as we were going around the store that there is a lot of stuff and we were really overwhelmed.

The pregnancy is going well...I feel like I have just popped out all of a sudden! The only thing that is bothering me now is I am getting stretch marks and my belly is SOOOOO SUPER itchy!!! I have tried everything from cocoa butter to anti-itch spray and nothing... I feel like I have the chicken pox just on my belly! Lol...well my 28 week check up is this Friday so I will talk to the doctor then! Also more good news is that I passed my 1 hour glucose test! Yay 3 hour glucose test!!! =)

Just for fun...I know i'm kinda behind. Here is my 28 week belly picture! Enjoy!

28 weeks....sorry its dark!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

100 days left!!!

I was surfing the and noticed that I have 100 days left! It feels like it should be milestone so here I am to blog and do a little survey!

How far along? 25 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: 6 pounds

Maternity clothes? yes! I am loving wearing dresses right now

Stretch marks? Yes...still =(

Sleep: better since I stole Beth's Snoogle Pillow thing!

Best moment this week: Feeling baby boy move and having other people feel the baby move! (David, Jass, Gi...)

Movement: Yes and its great!!!

Food cravings: not much actually...I just LOVE chocolate!

Gender: Baby boy!

Labor Signs: No

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: I really do miss alcohol...

What I am looking forward to: I just look forward to feeling him move...and thinking about making an appointment for the 3D/4D ultrasound before my dad leaves.

Weekly Wisdom: Try not to watch movies at the theater that are more than 2 hours!!! You WILL have to pee...

Milestones: Daddy David feeling baby move

Now things I'm not looking forward to is my lab appointment tomorrow. Time to do the 1 hour Glucose Test...yuck! And we are having such a hard time finding a name for this baby boy! well if you have any good ones pass it along! until next time...oh! and next belly pic should be coming soon!

This is how big our baby is!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

We are having a BABY BOY!!!

So it has taken me FOREVER to get back on here...but here we are and I do apologize! We actually found out the sex of our baby on June 9 (our 2nd year anniversary!) Talk about a great anniversary present!!! Here is the little guy:

Ta-da!!! He is definitely a boy! Lol...I wish I would have taken a video into the ultrasound room when we found out because David's reaction was priceless!!! He was ecstatic...I told him he was happier today then at our wedding! =) He saw it right away as soon as the doctor did it and as soon as she said "It's a boy!" David actually cheered like woo-hoo! and his smile was from ear to ear!! It was great...he even high-fived the nurse that was in the room!!! That so far has to be my favorite memory of this pregnancy. As for myself, to be honest...I was a little in shock...I was thinking OMG...I am really pregnant! Well obviously I knew I was, but now that this little person had a gender attached to made it that much more of a reality (if I am making any sense...) So after this was all done lets just say we are both extremely happy!!!!

After leaving the doctors office I called Beth first because she had been dying to know...then I called my cousin Jass because she was going to help us with our little "announcing the sex" project. We decided to make cupcakes and fill it with either blue of pink icing depending on the of course we filled them with BLUE! Here is what the cupcake looked like after taking a bite!
We were at Nanay's (my grandma) house making them so we surprised her first. It was funny because while we were making the cupcakes I told Jass that I didn't think we put enough filling...and in the video you can see Nanay biting in and not finding the we think she just got a defected one! Check out the video below! First is Nanay...then we went to Beth's house where my whole family gathered plus Lolo (my grandpa). Sorry if its too loud during that part of the video...but that is always how it is with my crazy family! Last on the video was David's parents finding out. I LOVED everyone's reaction, but my favorite part of this has to be the icing on everyone's face as they say with cupcake in their mouth "its a boy" all muffled up!! This could almost double as a GOT MILK? commercial!

Here are just a couple pics of the kids and Lolo with the cupcake mustaches! Enjoy!!! So keep a look out for more to come as we try and figure out what to name our baby boy!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Honemoon/babymoon Part II

Sorry for the delay!!! My computer was acting up and then it was SUPER hot so we kept the computer off for a couple you go!

Thursday was our excursion day for the Marinarium. We left by 7:45am with a 45 min drive to the Marinarium. We got there and went aboard our boat and we had a photographer with us for the first half of the excursion which was good b/c we forgot to get an underwater camara.

Enjoying the boat ride
We rode on the glass bottom boat for a while and got out in the middle of the Carribean then got our snorkling gear and jumped in! We were snorkling and saw LOTS of fish of different varieties. It was gorgeous! I really wish I had a camara. Then we got to swim in the sting ray/nurse shark caged area was kinda scary at first...especially being in there with the sharks, but they were very calm and didn't really swim up to you...just kinda swam in there with you. We took a pic with a HUGE sting ray too!!!
After that we had to snorkel back to the boat. then on the boat they had a DJ and some dancing and then they made a special Dominican drink (forgot what it was called) with and without alcohol (there were kids on board too) then brought us to natural pool which was only about 4 ft deep. Here we got to get off the boat again and dance to Bob Marley, get drinks from the "floating bar" and just hang out. It was GREAT!!! afterward we had to unfortunatly go back home...but it was a FANTASTIC excursion!!!

We got back and our day wasn't done! We ate at the World Cafe as soon as we got back and went to our room to take a nap. At 330 I had a manicure done and David went to work out. Afterwards we got ready for our romantic dinner on the beach. We dressed up and headed down around 620ish. Here are some pics of us dressed up...we clean up well don't you think?

The dinner on the beach was a 4 course meal! David had to drink Chardonney by himself because I had OJ!! It was beautiful !!!

Our dessert...

The next night we had a "Moonlight Massage" and had yummy treats afterwards. Here are some pictures below:

Friday and Saturday we were had absolutely NO PLANS! It was weird for me because I am so used to having a schedule or something planned out...but not this time. This was VACATION...when you have nothing to think about except for whether you want to go to the beach or pool and where you want to was a great time for us to just relax and we even watched A Walk to Remember (which I have been trying to get David to watch for years now!!!) Here are a couple more pics of our last days:
I LOVE mangos!!!

David shooting the air rifle...

our jacuzzi on our balcony

last sunset...

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