Monday, August 24, 2009

Our beloved dog Rocky Road

At the end of this month we had an unfortunate event happen to us. On the night of Aug.19th our doggy Rocky got out of our backyard while we were out running errands. David and I searched for him for 3 hours that night driving around the neighborhood. We didn't find him and so we decided to sleep and then we would try again in the morning. The next morning I was about to go out to search for him when I received a call from the Animal Shelter. At first I was very happy that they had called and was all ready to go get him....but then the lady told me that they did have him and he had passed away. She said that someone reported it that morning and he had gotten hit on Peabody and passed away. My heart dropped and I could not keep my emotions in. I called David and he came straight home to be with me. Luckily for us we have lots of our family around and everyone comforted us, my sister Jacqueline even came with us to bid him goodbye at the shelter. It was a very sad day. This blog post is really just for me so I can share how much we cared for him.

Here is a picture one of the first days we got him.

He was part of our family. He was really our first baby before we got pregnant and we will miss him ALOT! I know I do all the time. He was very loving and ALWAYS wanted to be around David and I, he liked people in general. We adopted him from the shelter where they had found him in a field in Fairfield and when we first got him he was very finicky. We think he had probably been abused. But after a while he really warmed up to us. We found out he liked to he LOVED to eat!!!! He would probably eat and never stop if we didn't portion control him! He wasn't the most obedient dog in the world, but he did listen to us (maybe just not to everyone Sometimes he would be a little slow...but that was just his personality. That is what made him different from other dogs.

At Bark for Life. Doing his part raising money for Relay for Life.
After walking the track with Daddy David.
Later at home resting...
Like every family we would probably all annoy each other. Rocky probably hated the fact that on weekends we would sleep in which meant he didn't get to eat until later than usual! He would definitely not stand for it on some days...well usually he only did this to David or I guess anyone else but never to me =)
Rocky on his birthday
Rocky waiting patiently for his birthday treat
At least before he went to doggie heaven we got to spend one last vacation with him. We went camping for a week up in the Redwoods and he got to be with us all the time. I'm sure he had a great time....most of the time =) He was definitely well fed.

Here he is hiking with Daddy
Rocky being "wind blown" and flappy-eared
Probably one of the times he wasn't too happy...he was forced in the water and had to
Posing on a redwood
Cute picture of Rocky on his bed
He was such a good dog and we know that he would have been great with our baby boy. While we were getting ready for baby boy he was being a good boy staying out of the nursery while we painted and got it ready. We actually tried to block him once by putting furniture and boxes in the way of the hallway so he wouldn't get in the nursery...but this dog was sure smart when it came to him getting his way. We had used the baby's changing table as one of the "blockers" and soon we hear this noise and we go out in the hallway and see Rocky crawling through the bottom shelf of the changing table. It had to be the funniest thing and I wish we had gotten a picture but we missed it! This was just a little tribute to our dog...we hope he is resting now and happy eating as much as he wants in doggie heaven. We love you Rocky Road!!! xoxoxoxox

Rocky and Laci checking each other out
Smile for the camera!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Shopping and San Francisco

Well we got back from camping in the beginning of August...right in time for our birthdays! And what did we do...we went shopping for the baby! lol...I guess that's what happens when you have kids =) But we were very excited to go shopping to get stuff for the baby and the baby's room. Of course my sister went with me for some expert advice. While looking at stuff we were even able to use baby Lace to "tryout" some of the baby things!
Laci trying out the crib set and mobileNicky even tried stuff out...but he wanted to keep it for himself! lol...
Here is Laci again in our carseat/stroller set

We had a really good time at our birthdays. My dad had to leave to Washington DC on my birthday so we dropped him off and went to Goore's and Ikea. Then David left and while he was gone I went to San Francisco to see King Tut at the DeYoung Museum with Jassy, Auntie Sunny and Sammy. It was pretty cool...
And here is my 30 week belly picture!

A little Camping then 3D time!

So we did go camping and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. We had a great time and I even went hiking and swimming. I was even comfortable going to was getting into and out of the bed/tent that was not fun! And having to go to the bathroom REALLY bad when I woke up!!! lol...Here are some pictures of us at camping:
We got back from camping on July 31st and we were able to rest for a little while. The next day (Aug.1st) we had our 3D/4D ultrasound scheduled! I was sooo anxious and excited I started to get butterflies in my stomach because we would be seeing our baby for the first time! We were able to bring up to 11 guests...but we had a little more b/c the kids wanted to see their cousin. Here are my favorite pictures from that really is amazing! I had seen 3D ultrasounds before, but it was like I was seeing it for the first time!!! Everyone loved it!

Of course to show he is a BOY!
Here he looks like he is saying "no pictures please..." lol...
look how peaceful
What a cutie!!!
Baby yawning...
Well I just wanted to share those with all of you. Hopefully soon he will be able to meet all of you in person!!! Sorry I'm sooo far behind in blogging! =)