I seem to do this a lot but life happens so quickly...especially with the little boy in my life! Here is a year in review starting from last June.
This month we went on our annual camping trip with the Berry's a little early because I was pregnant. So we went when I was 34 weeks pregnant. Check out the rest of the fun pictures on my
FB page!
Me with Abby and Luke hanging out at the campsite |
Daddy and Luke climbing stumps |
Family picture on a hike |
Swimming at the River |
Hanging out |
all of us all together! |
The Berry Boys |
This month we also had our baby shower and took some maternity pictures with one of my best friends Megan from
Meganelle Photography! So glad she was here to capture this moment again with us! Here are my favorites!
Beth and I at our friend's shower |
David and I at our family shower |
Happy 4th of July!!! |
July brought us another member to our already big family. My sister Elizabeth became a mommy again for the 5th time! Baby Connor Matthew was born on July 19th. His gender was a surprise for the whole family and the kids were sooo excited.
The complete Siruno family |
Visiting Connor...Luke was in a bad mood...LOL |
We also went to the Travis Air Show with Uncle Ronnie and Auntie Karen. My family came to join us later. It only comes to Travis AFB every couple years now so we made sure to go. It was Luke's first time to the air show. We took a picture with Daddy's training airplanes from his pilot training school Laughlin AFB ...don't mind me and the big belly!
Mommy 39 weeks pregnant and Lukey with the T-6 |
Daddy and Lukey with the T-1 |
It was pretty neat because David's squadron had a static display out of the C-17 (which is the airplane he flies) So Daddy was able to bring Luke into the cockpit.
Then after looking at all the airplanes we found a spot to sit and got ready to watch the Thunderbirds! It was Luke's first time watching them so we weren't sure how he was going to do with the noise. He actually did really well and was fine with it at first then the more they did the flybys he was starting to be done with it. Soon he was in my lap covering his face. LOL he's such a funny little boy =)
Thunderbirds |
Cute boy when it was getting to be too much! |
The most important thing that happened in August was the birth of Zachary Ryan. Not much happened the rest of the month since we were all getting used to being a family of 4. Check out the previous blog post to read about
Zachary's birth =)
At the beginning of the month Zachary turned 1 month old! And it was also the month of cousin Abby's 1st birthday! So the whole Berry family (minus Jon b/c he had to =( work) went to DISNEYLAND! It was Abby and Zachary's first time going! We had so much fun!
Family picture in front of Mickey |
Zachary at 1 1/2 months old in Disneyland |
The Berry family- Abby's 1st birthday! |
My cute little baby boy |
My little Mike Wazowski |
Sully and little Mike! LOL |
The Berry Family (minus Uncle Jon) |
Abby LOVED Mickey Mouse! |
Jesse and Luke |
Minnie with our family |
Meeting the Balmacedas! |
Hanging out with Ny and JR....and finding out AWESOME news!!!! They were expecting!!! |
Luke and Mickey |
Luke loving some ice cream! |
We also went to San Francisco with my family and brought Zach to Union Square for his first time. We all were able to watch a flash mob too! We also did fun things like Pixieland and Luke went to the dentist for the first time and was such a good boy!
In the month of October the main thing that we were excited about were BIRTHDAYS!!! One birthday in particular...Big Brother Luke's 2nd Birthday!!! We had 2 birthday parties for him, one for family and one for his "friends" aka Mommy and Daddy's friends lol =) More detailed pictures of the party can be found
Luke's 49er Birthday Party |
Luke's friend's Imagination Movers Party |
My big 2 year old and his bounce house |
Sean, Luke and Brian |
Luke and Zachary |
Nathan and Luke |
Luke with all his birthday guests! |
Mover Luke and Mover Zach |
We also celebrated my sister, brother, brother-in-law and our friend Camila's birthday! We also were getting ready for Halloween and we even went to some Pumpkin Patches. Also we can't forget our baby Zachary was growing like a weed!!! He was 16 lbs at his 2 month check up! He is such a chunker!!!
We also went to our first 49er game of the season!!! We even tailgated with Uncle Ronnie and had a great time...Luke came with us but we left our little Zachy baby and I missed him sooo much!
Our family Tailgating at the 49ers game |
Me, Uncle Ronnie and Lukey |
At the end of the month we celebrated Halloween by going to San Francisco and visiting with Dan and Michelle. We all took the
AT&T Park Tour which was really awesome because we got to go behind the scenes and even on the field and in the dugout! We HIGHLY recommend this to anyone that is interested in baseball and especially the GIANTS! Afterwards the kids were knocked out and took a nap on the way home. We visited Grandma and Grandad, Nanay and Lolo with the kids and then it was time for trick or treating!!!
Not much happened in November...We spent a lot of time at home hanging out with friends and cousins.
Luke and Zachary hanging out at home |
Having a choclate chip pancake breakfast with Zane |
Zachary turned 3 months old and was quickly passing his older cousin Connor in the weight department.
Baby Connor and Baby Zachary |
It was also Zachary's first thanksgiving. We spent Thanksgiving with the Berry's.
Giving some loving to cousin Abby! |
If I put all the pictures I wanted up for this month there would be WAY too much!!! First important thing that happened this month was my baby boy Zachary got baptized along with his cousin Connor.
Connor and Zachary with their parents |
Zachary's Godparents: Angela, Jaime and Jacquie |
Lolo with his great grandsons. |
Here are just a few highlights from our Christmas season. We took pictures for our Christmas card and it was actually one of the nicer family pictures we have taken lol
Berry Family Christmas 2011 |
The boys got excited when we put up the lights and I got some SUPER cute pictures of them! We also visited Santa at the Jelly Belly Factory, Zach's first time!
My handsome Zachary at 4 months old |
My cute boy Lukey |
Visiting Santa at the Jelly Belly Factory |
We spent Christmas with all of our family and it was so much fun as always. We had 3 parties to go to: Berry/Redekers, Roses and Racelis party.
Here are the kids with Great-grandma Berry and Great-grandad! |
One of the highlights of Christmas for us as kids and now for our kids is our annual wrapping paper fight at my families' parties. Luke and the kids LOVE this...as do most of the adults too, and this year Lolo even got in on the fun! These are some my favorite pictures from this Christmas! You can just see how much fun he is having and how he really gets into the wrapping paper fight! I love it!
Lolo having a great time! |
Lolo getting in on the action! |
On Christmas Eve i got the cutest picture ( I know I say ALL the pictures of them are the cutest...LOL) of the boys in their Christmas jammies before bedtime.
AND....one final awesome thing that happened this month...WE GOT A NEW CAR!!! We traded in our Honda Pilot (which I love!) for the Honda Odyssey. Yes...we got a van...we said it would NEVER happen but it has. WE loved the Pilot, but we needed more room for our growing family. David did a lot of research and narrowed it down to the Odyssey and the Sienna...but we went with the Odyssey with all its cool perks! Here is our Christmas present to ourselves (well mostly me and the boys).
Phew! So that was 2011 for ya! Next post will catch us up on 2012! LOTS has happened this year and it's only APRIL!!!
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