The 2012 year started off pretty normal...we were getting ready to celebrate Lolo's 90th Birthday so we were all busy planning and getting everything ready for his big bash which was going to be a surprise. Funny thing is the day we had reserved the hall ended up being the first playoff game for the 49ers!!!! Our whole family is HUGE die hard fans of the 49ers especially Lolo so we didn't know how we were even going to get Lolo to the party because he would want to watch the game...but we figured it out. Everyone DVR'd the game and there was even a room next to our party room that was playing the game for those who wanted to watch. Lolo was told that we were going to be taking family pictures so he needed to dress nicely and then after we take pictures we were going to someone's house to watch the game.
The colors were navy blue and yellow, his favorite color is yellow like me =) But we also incorporated the 49ers by having table numbers be 49er players. |
He arrived and was so surprised and sooo happy to see everyone! |
Our family (minus David who was on a trip) and Lolo |
The Whole Fam Bam with Lolo for his 90th birthday |
Everyone had such a great time and I really enjoyed planning this for Lolo, especially seeing how happy it made him! His favorite part he says was when all us grandkids did a special "flash mob" type of dance for him...sorry I don't have a video of that but it was his favorite part. There was food, friend old and new, some he hadn't seen in almost 30 years, we had some singing and some dancing and I also made a slideshow for everyone to watch. And of course we had some delicious cakes done! It was a great time. If you have a bout 18 minutes to spare you can check out his slideshow below:
After the party we all headed to our house to watch the 49er game that we all were trying to ignore the whole day...we ordered pizza and it was sooo much fun to watch the game together! What a perfect end to a perfect birthday party!
At our house watching the taped playoff game of the 49ers beating the Saints! |
This month we as a family made a VERY big decision...we decided to bring in a wonderful addition to our growing family. We got a yellow lab/mix puppy and named her Zooey. Here she is when she was only 8 weeks old!!!
Zooey puppy |
She is sooo adorable and we love her already...She is great with the boys and Luke is loving her!
Luke and Zooey |
Zachary and Zooey |
At the Happiest Place on Earth! |
We were looking forward to February because my cousin Jassy was going to be having her 1st baby and this was when our family would be embarking on our very first cruise. My mom and dad are becoming pros a crusing around the world and this month they would be celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. So...they decided they wanted all of us to go on a cruise together. So we all booked a 7-day Mexican Riviera Cruise on Carnival for the 1st week of February.
BUT...first things first, since we were embarking from Long Beach we got there a day or 2 early and decided to take the boys to Disneyland!!! We had a great time as always, Luke was loving the Buzz ride and the rocket ship ride.
After Disneyland we went back to the hotel and rested b/c we had to get to Long Beach by 12pm to check in and get on the ship. The Fun Ship was going to stop 2 days in Cabo San Lucas and 1 day in Puerto Vallarta. I was excited for Puerta Vallarta because we were going to be going on a Zipline Excursion and my parents were going to watch the boys.
We got to the port and met my family. I was actually surprised at how organized they were. We unloaded the van and got started on our adventure! While our rooms were getting ready we walked around the ship to check everything out.
Everyone that came on the cruise (missing the Siruno Family =( ) |
Zachy wanting some of Auntie Jacquie's drink... |
This was taken from Deck 10 looking down on Deck 9, The Lido deck. |
After walking around we finally were able to check in to our rooms...Here is Zachey and Lukey checking out the room.
This was Luke's favorite part of the room....THE WINDOW! |
Here we are checking out the balcony of Mama, Papa and Jaime's room. |
The first 2 days were "fun days at sea" so we got to explore what they had to offer on the ship. We checked out the Trivia contests they had, Camp Carnival which was a place for kids (but of course Luke didn't want to stay, we ATE a lot and just had a good time.
Here is one of our towel animals which we would come home to after a day out and about. |
The boys hanging out in the window in our room. |
During the times at sea, Luke discovered the ARCADE! Here he is playing air hockey with hid Daddy. |
My baby boy is actually pretty good at this game! |
Here's papa being a dork and pretending to play DDR! |
We had an early seating for dining, but it wasn't early enough for my babies b/c every night either one or both were so tired and we would have a sleeping baby at the table...LOL Here are my handsome boys during one of the Formal Nights on the ship.
My big 2 year old Lukey |
My 6 month old Zachary |
The first day at Cabo we took the Tender out from the boat. There was actually 2 cruise ships there as you can see...
We got off at the pier and they realized we had to actually walk to the beach. We thought it would be fine so we dismissed all the vendors trying to get us to ride their Water Taxi's..after about 30 minutes in the hot sun we were regretting it...LOL. We FINALLY got to the beach and found a cabana from a hotel on the beach that we could "rent" out for the day. It was great b/c we had a great view of our ship and the beach. We played and hung out there for the rest of the day. The 2nd day of Cabo we just went shopping since we were there for a shorter day.
David and I and the Carnival Splendor |
With our babies in Cabo San Lucas and the "big big boat" in the background |
My happy boy Zachey hanging out in the shade. |
Me with one of our bargains on the beach. |
My big boy Lukey and his Daddy |
Our next stop was Puerta Vallarta! I was nervous and excited for this day because I couldn't wait to finally be able to go Zip lining!!! We had wanted to go on our honeymoon but our honeymoon ended up turning into a babymoon so I wasn't able to do crazy things like that...LOL I was nervous b/c I would be leaving the boys for 6-7 hours with my parents...I think it was probably harder on me than them. But my poor parents had a hard time with Zachary b/c of all the days on the boat that was the day his first tooth decided to break through so he was a little cranky to say the least.
The excursion we took had EVERYTHING:
1.A speedboat
Our view of our boat as we took the speedboat out about 20 minutes away. |
2. We rode a 4x4
Joston, Ana and Jacqueline on the 4x4 |
Me, David, Jaime and James |
Our group with the 4x4 we took |
3. Riding on Mules
4. Some Hiking
5. Zip lining!!!
Here I am on my first ever zip line! |
6. Rappeling down a waterfall
David showing his skills |
7. Free falling by a water fall
And I'm fallin' |
8. falling in a COLD, natural river
9. and finally Zip Lining Racing
obviously David won this one... |
Our awesome excursion group |
We had a blast!!! Check out the rest of the pictures
here of everyone if you're interested. After we got back from the trip we stopped to take a picture in front of the ship again...then we saw our BABIES!!! Zachary was soooo happy and Lukey too of course!
We went back on the ship and had dinner and got dressed. Then we went out one last time to some of the try out are bartering skills. We also took one last family picture before heading back on the boat.
Our family in Puerta Vallarta |
That night after we got back to the ship we did some exploring and then went to bed. The next couple days were fun days at sea. We mostly did what we did in the beginning, ate, hung out ,watched shows and played trivia! We actually won the Scattegories trivia!
Me and my boys |
Half of our team during the Scattegories trivia |
We won! |
The last day on the ship we did some things at Camp Carnival with Lukey. He got to make a stuffed animal so he decided to make a dog and we bought him a pirate outfit. He had fun stuffing him up and dressing him up.
Luke in our room watching a movie with his new Pirate Pup! |
We really enjoyed our trip and was sad to see it end...but it was time to say good bye to our big big boat and our sea legs and get back to land.
Our bed on the last night. |
We were very happy to get home because as soon as we left for the cruise Jassy had her baby girl Elena!!! She was born on Feb. 3rd and we were sooooo excited to meet her! Also we would be picking up our puppy Zooey too! The first thing we did was meet baby Elena and see how Jassy was doing...she was so small...she weighed 7lbs 3oz.
Here is HUGE Zachary next to his tiny cousin baby Elena |
Elena and me! |
And of course, the newest member of our family....ZOOEY!!! Here she is her first day at home in her crate. Isn't she adorable!?
Zooey Doggie! |
Along with all these fun times and new happenings this month we also had something not so fun happen. A couple days after we got back home from our cruise my Lolo passed away. He passed away on February 16th and it was one of the saddest days of my life. I will write more about this in a special post just for him. The rest of February and even most of March kind of went by in a blur to be honest.
Like I was saying, March went by quickly and we spent most of the time at home recuperating from everything that had gone on. Zachary was growing quickly and he turned 7 months this month! He had both of his bottom teeth in and was getting in his top teeth. He LOVES to eat and started eating a litte bit of table foods. Luke is also talking sooo much now and his vocabulary is growing daily! I swear he says something new everyday that I hadn't heard him say before. Every morning after Zachey's morning nap Luke will go in and "get him", which pretty much means he will climb into his crib and play/hangout with Zachey for a couple minutes. And Zooey is adjusting to our family very well. She is about pretty much housebroken and is learning her place in the family. She is hyper, just like and puppy/toddler would be but she is also very calm for a puppy...if that makes any sense. Either way she is a doll and we love her!
Boys hanging out |
Zachey and his 2 bottom teeth! |
Zooey is getting bigger and bigger everyday!!! |
Luke also hit another big milestone this month...he watched TOP GUN for the first time. David was so excited to have him watch it....surprisingly he LOVED it!!! Well, he loved the beginning and just the flying parts...he didn't really watch the whole movie but would pay attention when the flying scenes were taking place. Now every once in a while you will hear his cute little voice singing "HIGHWAY TO THE DANGER ZONE..." LOL I love it!
Daddy and Lukey watching TOP GUN! |
We also saw baby Elena and baby Keahi (our good friend Darelee's baby)! They are actually only 2 days apart!
Visiting Darel and Keahi |
I just love this picture of the 3 of them...they come in different sizes: small, medium and large. Love these kids!
Elena- 1.5 months, Zachary- 7.5 months, Luke- 2 years and 5 months. |
Unfortunately we had more sad news this month as of our best friends mom passed away of cancer. Her mom was always so wonderful to us whenever we would visit. They treated us like family and we got to know her really well. We drove down to SoCal to be with her and her family during this sorrowful time. We know she is in a better place and is feeling no more pain but of course no one wanted to see her go.
While down in So Cal we took a short trip to Disneyland but we got rained out. The boys still had a great time of course =)
Our family and the one and only Mickey Mouse |
Our family with Minnie Mouse |
my funny boy Lukey trying to stay dry...but wanting to see out... |
My loves =) |
I think I'm all caught up! If you are still reading...thanks for taking the time out to check out our family's happenings! Until I write again...
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