His due date of October 15th came and passed and then we were in the middle of all the October birthdays. We were hoping he would come out and fill in the gap. We had a little get together at Uncle Ronnie's house.
Here is the last picture of me before I had Luke. This was taken on October 22nd.
Luke Aaron was born on October 25, 2009 at 9:25pm. He was 10 days late! At 41 weeks I had an NST and we scheduled an induction for October 26th, but this little boy didn't like to be told when to come out and had his own plans. So in the early morning of October 25th my water broke and we went to DGMC. Unfortunately after laboring all day from 7am-8:30pm and getting the epi at 3:30pm I had to have a C-section due to failure to progress. I basically didn't dilate past 5cm. When Luke came out we found out why...he was 8lbs 15.5 oz (so I tell everyone he was 9lbs) Here is some pics of us at the hospital when he was born:
Yay! Baby Luke is finally on your blog....LOL