Now to talk about our December. Baby Luke grew SO much in one month. From his one month to 2 month he got soooo big!!! He also started smiling a lot more...don't you love his smile!
At the Redeker party Luke got to meet his Great Grandad for the first time! Here they are hanging out at the party. They are 93 years apart!!!!!
After the Redeker party it was off back to Cordelia to get to the Racelis party so everyone could meet Luke there too. Here is Lolo and Luke...when we got there EVERYONE wanted to get a picture with Luke. He was like Mickey Mouse. My mom said we should have started charging people and made some money =)
That night we actually stayed at my parent's because the next morning (Christmas morning) we were going to be heading to my sister's house to open presents with the Roses family. But first before we headed to the craziness of our gift exchange we opened presents as a family for the first Christmas. David, Luke and I opened presents from each other. We all got awesome gifts but David and I's favorite gift was baby LUKE! Here is Luke Christmas morning and with one of his presents...the highly talked about Seahorse. 

After our little family gift exchange we got ready and headed to Beth's house for the gift fiasco...there were presents EVERYWHERE. My poor baby fell asleep while we were opening presents, but he got a lot of neat things.
After opening presents with the Roses family it was off back to Fairfield to David's parents house for the Berry family get together. While the family played instruments of Christmas songs Luke hung out with his Great Grandma. It was really cute because she was singing to him and he was liking it.
Then the next party awaited us Christmas night so it was back to my parents house in Cordelia. Again more presents and family. It was a great time. Here is a picture of Luke with his Aunt and Uncles that are mestizos like him =)
And after 4 parties and 2 family gift exchanges our Christmas holiday was over. Here is our last family picture from all the holiday fun.
And if you think we are done....we were not. The day after Christmas my family decided to take family pictures by one of my sisters friends who is a photographer here in Vacaville. We all wore brown, tan or cream. You can check out her work at
After our little family gift exchange we got ready and headed to Beth's house for the gift fiasco...there were presents EVERYWHERE. My poor baby fell asleep while we were opening presents, but he got a lot of neat things.
Here is my baby boy's cute outfit.
On Dec. 28th poor baby Luke had his 2 month appointment with his 2 month shots =( It was so sad to see/hear him get his shots...I think he took it better than me! At that appointment we did find out that he was 24.5inches (90th percentile) tall, 16 inches for his head circumference (90th percentile) and 14.6lbs (95th percentile!!). That day he was a little more tired than usual but by the next day he was back to his old self which was good because it was the day we were going to San Francisco for our annual family lunch in the city. We went to The Palace Hotel in SF and ate at Garden Court. The hotel was downtown and the restaurant in the hotel was GORGEOUS!!! Here is all of us stopping for a picture on our way to the hotel.
We got inside The Palace hotel and they had the city of San Francisco in Gingerbread! All the kids loved it!
Look at that big tree and nutcrackers!!! And don't forget that BEAUTIFUL ceiling! It was a sight and I'm so glad we ate there!
The view was not the only great thing about this place...but the food was amazing!!! For lunch i had a filet steak and a crab cake that was almost ALL crab! My dessert was even better! It was a Black and White creme brulee with some fruit on top. YUMMY in my TUMMY =D
We couldn't stop taking pictures. Here was our view from our table. We took LOTS of pictures but here is a picture of me and my sisters and the two babies of the family, Laci and Luke
After we ate we needed to walk off all that scrumptious food that we ate and to check out Union Square's decorations. Look at my cute baby boy with his Rocky, all bundled up for a walk in San Francisco. It was his first time to the City!
We got to Union Square and took the usual family pictures with the tree and Macy's. David had to work unfortunately so it was just me and my baby.

Then it was time to walk to the mall downtown and here is an action shot. lol...
We go to the mall and went to the Vera Bradley store. While us girls were looking around/shopping this is what happend to Luke and my dad.
After spending some money we decided it was time to go home. I hope Luke had a good time for his first time in the city. Next time we will go with Daddy too!

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