Monday, May 18, 2009

How we announced...

I hope everyone enjoyed the video on the parents! After we told our parents and immediate family we wanted to tell everyone else but I wanted to wait until atleast after our first appointment when I would be closer to 12 wks (and closer to the end of my 1st trimester). Since our newest addition to our family (baby Laci Claire) was born on Feb.17th we were going to have a welcome party for her. Beth said it would be okay for me to announce our pregnancy to the extended family then. So I decided I would use her made them all shirts that said "I'm going to be a Big Cousin" and on the back it said "October 2009". Here is a picture of the front of their shirts:

Here is the back of the shirts:
It actually took everyone a while to figure out what this after a while everyone did get it! Lolo (my grandfather) took a little bit longer than everyone else. After everyone had figured it out everyone was laughing and clapping and he just clapped along with everyone else not knowing what happened. Then Jacqueline found him in the other room and here is the video of him FINALLY figuring it out (probably about 8 minutes after):

It was now all of our family knew and it was time for all our friends to know. For the friends of ours that lived far away we called and told them the news. Everyone was sooo excited!!! For some of our closer friends we had another Welcome party for Laci and most of them were invited so we did the same thing with the kids and their shirts. We loved to see all of our family and friends reactions! Here is another video of us telling our college friends Sam, Ellery and Laurel at our church's crab feed. It's a little hard to hear b/c music is playing, but you can definitely see their reactions:

We also took Grandad(David's grandfather) out when day for lunch and a visit and we were able to tell him at his favorite restaurant Baker's Square. We had so much fun spreading our good news and feel very blessed that we have so many family and friends to share this blessing with!

I'll try and get some appointment updates next time and info about our Babymoon/Honeymoon that we have coming up!!!


  1. See my kids are very useful.....LOL

  2. Joston was pretty slick to pull the hidden camera on us; its funny how all of our eyes widened with such a pleasant surprise. Yeay congrats Trin & David!!!
