How it all began...
Ok so obviously....we all know how babies come to be. This is our story of how we found out we were pregnant! I actually didn't have any symptoms but was just having weird periods which I made an appointment to see a doctor for. Well the first weekend in February we had our friends Ny and Jr come up to (finally!) visit us! I knew we may go out for some drinks and since my period was being really weird I decided to take a pregnancy test...just in case. We didn't have any at home and since we were at Beth's house I asked to borrow one of hers. She didn't want me taking it while we were at her house because she says she gets sad when it comes out negative. So we took it home and while we were getting ready for Ny and Jr to arrive we were cleaning up and David reminds me to take the test. So I go pee on the stick not thinking anything of it and it came out POSITIVE! Well it was a digital preg. test so it actually said PREGNANT. First thought in my mind was "What?!? This can't be right?" So I showed David, while I was shaking, and told him to go get four more pregnancy test......but of course I was overreacting and he came back with two more...I took them both and this is what we got:
I was in pretty much in a state of was a SURPRISE to us! So at 12:30am I called Beth to tell her and of course she was very excited!!! A little bit later Ny an Jr got to our house and I was still not quite myself. We decided to tell them by leaving the pregnancy tests in the bathroom they would be using. As we were giving them the tour of the house we open the door to the bathroom and... Ny just stared at them and didn't want to look. She knew I had played a trick on David before ( for April Fools Day I had Beth pee on a stick so it came out preg and gave it to was hilarious!!!) but I kept trying to tell her it was for real this time! So after a minute or so of going back and forth they knew what we did...WE ARE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!
I wanted to take a blood test the next day but of course it was the weekend and it was closed...I had to wait until Monday, but I took the test and we got the call that night that it was official!!! After the shock and surprise had worn off we were soooooo excited!!! We are going to have a BABY!!!!! We wanted to wait little while until we told everyone...but we did want to tell our immediate family b/c we just couldn't keep it in! =) We told our sisters and brothers about a week before we told our parents. We decided to tell our parents on Valentine's Day since that was the closest holiday. Below is the video of both sets of parents on Valentine's Day. The first video is the Roses we gave them a card a put a picture of an early ultrasound I had done. We told them to meet us at Beth's that morning for breakfast because we had a little present for them! (little now but growing bigger everyday!) The next is the Berrys, we gave them a picture frame that said "I love Grandpa" with the ultrasound in it and a bib that said "Grandma's Sunshine". Hope you enjoy their reactions as much as we did!!!
Thanks so much for sharing that sweet video, warmed my heart! Love You!
ReplyDeleteFINALLY pregnant ;)