Saturday, July 25, 2009
Oh a camping we will go...
Just a little update on pregnancy...I went to my 28 week check up and baby was good. I have been recently getting these weird dull cramps that feel like period cramps so they gave me a support band for my tummy. Hopefully this will help me out. AND the itchiness of my belly is NOT GOING AWAY! we are gonna try the cortizone for the next couple of days, but I think I either have PUPPS or something else....I don't think its just the stretch marks anymore =( Ok well off to sleep and then finish packing in the morning! =)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
28 week mark!
I'm sooo excited because my oldest and bestest friends just found out that she will be able to make it here in California to visit next month and while she is here she will be able to do my maternity pics!!! Check Megan's work out on her website Megan Elle Photography. She is awesome and if anyone wants to take advantage of her being here for family pictures or anything let me know!!! So we have to get crackin' on our nursery so it will be ready! Of course the theme is going to be airplanes and the colors are baby blue and tan, with a little green here and there. I'm so excited!!!
We also got to register for baby stuff at Babies R Us and Target this past week and that was fun too, but we realized as we were going around the store that there is a lot of stuff and we were really overwhelmed.
The pregnancy is going well...I feel like I have just popped out all of a sudden! The only thing that is bothering me now is I am getting stretch marks and my belly is SOOOOO SUPER itchy!!! I have tried everything from cocoa butter to anti-itch spray and nothing... I feel like I have the chicken pox just on my belly! Lol...well my 28 week check up is this Friday so I will talk to the doctor then! Also more good news is that I passed my 1 hour glucose test! Yay 3 hour glucose test!!! =)
Just for fun...I know i'm kinda behind. Here is my 28 week belly picture! Enjoy!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
100 days left!!!
How far along? 25 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: 6 pounds
Maternity clothes? yes! I am loving wearing dresses right now
Stretch marks? Yes...still =(
Sleep: better since I stole Beth's Snoogle Pillow thing!
Best moment this week: Feeling baby boy move and having other people feel the baby move! (David, Jass, Gi...)
Movement: Yes and its great!!!
Food cravings: not much actually...I just LOVE chocolate!
Gender: Baby boy!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: I really do miss alcohol...
What I am looking forward to: I just look forward to feeling him move...and thinking about making an appointment for the 3D/4D ultrasound before my dad leaves.
Weekly Wisdom: Try not to watch movies at the theater that are more than 2 hours!!! You WILL have to pee...
Milestones: Daddy David feeling baby move
Now things I'm not looking forward to is my lab appointment tomorrow. Time to do the 1 hour Glucose Test...yuck! And we are having such a hard time finding a name for this baby boy! well if you have any good ones pass it along! until next time...oh! and next belly pic should be coming soon!
This is how big our baby is!!!Thursday, July 2, 2009
We are having a BABY BOY!!!
Ta-da!!! He is definitely a boy! Lol...I wish I would have taken a video into the ultrasound room when we found out because David's reaction was priceless!!! He was ecstatic...I told him he was happier today then at our wedding! =) He saw it right away as soon as the doctor did it and as soon as she said "It's a boy!" David actually cheered like woo-hoo! and his smile was from ear to ear!! It was great...he even high-fived the nurse that was in the room!!! That so far has to be my favorite memory of this pregnancy. As for myself, to be honest...I was a little in shock...I was thinking OMG...I am really pregnant! Well obviously I knew I was, but now that this little person had a gender attached to made it that much more of a reality (if I am making any sense...) So after this was all done lets just say we are both extremely happy!!!!
After leaving the doctors office I called Beth first because she had been dying to know...then I called my cousin Jass because she was going to help us with our little "announcing the sex" project. We decided to make cupcakes and fill it with either blue of pink icing depending on the of course we filled them with BLUE! Here is what the cupcake looked like after taking a bite!
Here are just a couple pics of the kids and Lolo with the cupcake mustaches! Enjoy!!! So keep a look out for more to come as we try and figure out what to name our baby boy!!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Honemoon/babymoon Part II
Thursday was our excursion day for the Marinarium. We left by 7:45am with a 45 min drive to the Marinarium. We got there and went aboard our boat and we had a photographer with us for the first half of the excursion which was good b/c we forgot to get an underwater camara.

The next night we had a "Moonlight Massage" and had yummy treats afterwards. Here are some pictures below: